I went for a walk with my dog tonight
On this road nearby our house.
The sun began to melt, like warm butter over leaves and long blades of beach grass.
We passed big bellied couples in running shoes and shorts, their tight white t shirts pulled taught over wide guts that marched in unison down the path, like identical hard boiled eggs attached to spindly legs.
Some of them nodded at me as they passed. Some of them said “hello” and when they did I realized this felt strange to me, New York still having four years on this place's one.
A thinner, older pair came up on our left at a good clip. Where should we take our vacation? she asked him as they passed. I watched from their wake as he absentmindedly took her hand without looking up, his focus remaining fully on the road ahead.
The sun slipped closer to the water, all runny yolked, all sudden in its going, and I voiced a silent hope that it be so beautiful in California. Every night I dream it will be.
Young parents corralled the exuberance of their toddlers towards the sand. Plastic buckets clacked and flip flops slapped as they hurried to keep up with little bodies, little legs.
And I watched all this.
And I thought, this is heaven.
And then, how strange of me to think so, considering the summer it’s been.
But I do, think so. If only for this moment. This twilit gift. This sunset sky spilling over and on top of me and kissing, a million times, my sea shell shaped soul.